jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016

Statistics, basic tool in the investigation

Statistics and research. How to take advantage of statistical tools

The statistic has a bad reputation. very difficult course, many complicated formulas and is suitable only for engineers and scientists. In fact, statistics is as easy as any mathematical or technical course is taught properly exposed and, as difficult as any course taught poorly. Sure, it takes a little effort and dedication to take advantage of their methods and instruments; whens achieved a world of opportunities in research and everyday life is opened.

To begin I will take an example of people working in an area where the last thing you expect is the use of statistics. The police. Suppose three situations: The police, of any rank are required to report to their superiors, put before the public (press, social groups) as spokespersons for the institution. And new, that according to a new rule must submit a thesis or a research paper for graduation at the School of National Police of Peru. This latter requirement is a good idea to improve their professional training and personal development skills.

When it comes to a report or report to the superior may choose a text report of one or more pages depending on the volume of data or incidents. Easy to prepare, no special requirements, other than reading and writing.

There is a problem. What if instead of a page are dozens of pages with hundreds or thousands of occurrences? Big task for the document creator and for the intended beneficiary. Discomfort, difficulty and irritation are inevitable consequences. In this case, this conduct has a high opportunity cost. >> Benefits costs, some costs are detailed in the accompanying graph

What to do now? If one understands the importance of statistics, the effort is made to learn and the ability to know where, when and how to apply it, the beneficial effects can be acquired very favorable. Simplicity, clarity, precision are notorious features and benefits far outweigh the costs.

 Cost >> benefits. Some benefits are seen in the chart below.

How does it work? First, understand that everything that surrounds us is associated with data. Let the record or record of a doctor in a hospital, a citizen of a traffic accident. All documents collected and created for the purpose of capturing the relevant characteristics (such as name variables age, weight, sex, place of birth and hundreds of other features) formats

In scientific research and in the preparation of documents for different users and purposes, the descriptive statistics, the initial and easy stage, there are three basic steps. Data collection, data processing, analysis and interpretación.- To get a clearer picture, associate this sequence to the kitchen, the act of preparing food.

The truth is that good food (supplies), good method of preparation and a good cook should give a delicacy that is accepted by all. In terms of IT, for the three stages of data (input, process and output) are eight options. The first option is desirable; other no.

Similarly, in the investigation or in the preparation of reports, good data and an appropriate processing system should generate a good job or report. The rule is inevitable GIGO (garbage in, garbage out)

When the necessary data are defined, ways of obtaining them are many and are chosen according to the possibilities and needs of the investigator. A police usually have the observations of his work as a source of primary data.

Data processing (classification, ordering, generation of graphics and statistical calculations or indicators) is a task in a logical sequence, which should realizares smoothly, when properly learned Statistics.

The skill and precision in interpretation is an activity that is being formed and improved with practice, he continued education, learning. In the end, it should be an activity accessible to all those who dared to challenge the "myth of statistics".

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